Behind the lens...
Tracey Oliver-Marshall, the woman behind the lens of Grace Road Photography, that's me! I'm a Tauranga based mom who loves taking photos of family and the addiction has grown from there. Call it love at first click!
For me, the real moments in life are the ones that matter. Love, joy, happiness, stolen kisses, a gentle touch... Those extraordinary everyday moments, when captured, say it all.
Recording the beauty of life is what I enjoy doing. From gorgeous mommies and their cheeky little cherubs to urban dwellers and spirited celebrations.
“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”
― Karl Lagerfeld
There is only now. Let's capture yours.
About me
Tracey Oliver-Marshall, the woman behind the lens of GRP, that's me! I'm a Tauranga based mom who loves taking photos of family and the addiction has grown from there. Call it love at first click!
For me, the real moments in life are the ones that matter. Love, joy, happiness, stolen kisses, a gentle touch... Those extraordinary everyday moments, when captured, say it all.
Recording the beauty of life is what I enjoy doing. From gorgeous mommies and their cheeky little cherubs to urban dwellers and spirited celebrations.
“What I like about photographs is that they capture a moment that’s gone forever, impossible to reproduce.”
― Karl Lagerfeld
There is only now. Let's capture yours. ​